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Benefits of Grapefruit As Antibacterial
Health Benefits: Benefits of Grapefruit As Antibacterial 5

During this time, people with ulcers are asked not to incorporate citrus into their diet, but this research would suggest otherwise. Extract is believed to reduce levels of the enzyme COX-1 and COX-2 is in medicine. This condition plays a major role in curing stomach. The researchers believe grapefruit extract can blend with the second enzyme in the gastric healing process.
Not only beneficial to maintaining a healthy heart and stomach, grapefruit are also good for the health of the gums due to its vitamin C levels high. This was revealed by researchers at the Friedrich Schiller University, Germany, which found a link on their gum health who ate grapefruit.
Benefits of Grapefruit As Antibacterial. The study involved 58 respondents who experienced severe gum damage. In fact, grapefruit positive impact when consumed every day for about two weeks. In fact, the positive impact it is also true for smokers and nonsmokers. As we know, smoking is one of the main causes of damage to the gums. [Read too Benefits of Grapefruit To Lower Cholesterol]
Another benefit of grapefruit is to clean the red blood cells that was old in the body and normalize the hematocrit (percentage of blood cells per volume of blood), as well as a source of antioxidant for cancer - Benefits of Grapefruit As Antibacterial.
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